Calligraphy museum in Uguisudani
I went to the Calligraphy museum located in Uguisudani for the first time today!!
There is no camera permitted so I have this photo only but it was amazing!!
Though the way from Uguisdani station to the museum was a bit awkward as there are lots of Love Hotels,,, *sorry but please just google about it… can’t explain.
I’m not the person who loves history but seeing famous Calligrapher’s writing which was written in 300-500 BC.
王羲之(Wang Xizhi), 顔真卿(Yan Zhenqing), 欧陽詢(Ouyang Xun), 虞世南(Yu Shinan), 褚遂良(Chu Suiliang) are very famous Calligrapher like,,, I know them lol
I learnt memorised for exams about history of Calligraphy when I was in high school. But I’d never seen their actual Calligraphy so I was like,,, if I knew here and was able to come and see at that time!!;(
Also we had a person who knows about Calligraphy history super well. He explained and answered all our questions.
Definitely worth it!! I would love to learn more and maybe one day, I would guide Wakalture’s guests?!?!
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